Glow gjafasett

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Dr. Barbara Sturm’s new GLOW KIT provides skin with an essential seven-step ingredient science-based routine for a fresh, radiant, and natural glow.
The updated Kit includes all of the essentials that are needed for the coveted #SturmGlow;
FACIAL SCRUB, FACE MASK, HYALURONIC SERUM, FACE CREAM and GLOW DROPS and now, also includes the addition of the ENZYME CLEANSER and THE BETTER B NIACINAMIDE SERUM to help combat uneven skin tone and refine the pores.
The GLOW KIT comes complete in a reusable cotton canvas bag made of recycled materials that is part of Dr. Sturm’s migration to sustainable packaging.

22.574 kr 22574.0 ISK 28.218 kr

34.990 kr

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